After being treated at VR Massage U Knead for almost 3 months the muscles that have not relaxed for years are finally starting to let go. Vlad has found the sources of the muscle problems and I am not in pain anymore. I have learned a lot about my body and my bad posture habits. I do yoga type stretches, drink a lot more water and have modified my diet slightly. I did not know months ago that I had this journey to make but I feel much better for it. Thank you for your help.
Jean, L.
As a result of the massage treatments at VR Massage U Knead, I no longer experience pain when running any distance. The frequency and severity of my headaches has drastically been reduced and is almost non-existent. My posture is good and is becoming more and more natural and comfortable. My digestive system is in better working condition, my asthmatic cough has almost subsided, my joints are looser, and my back has developed a nice, natural curve.
Ron, M.
I think Rayisa has magnets on her fingers to find exactly what requires treating. I don't know how she does it, but she always finds spots you didn't know were bothering you! I think her treatments combined with massage have been my saving grace over the last few months. I am grateful for everything you have done.